'After The Battle'
Robert Taylor

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call for price
34" by 25"
1000 signed and numbered prints
Published in 1994
A flight of Spitfire MK IX's, generally considered to have been the greatest of all the Spitfire marks, return to their base at
R.A.F. Kenley in July 1942. High on adrenalin after a dog-fight with German Fw190's over France, the 611 Squadron pilots
make the high speed run for home above the distinctive patchwork fields of southern England.
This is one of my favorite Spitfire prints!

Signed by 6 Top Spitfire Aces
Squadron Leader Paddy Barthropp (DFC)
Squadron Leader Neville Duke (28 victories)
Air Vice-Marshal Johnnie Johnson (38 vic)
Wing Commander Harbourne Stephen (22 1/2 vic)
Air Commodore Sir Archie Winskill (5 vic, flew with Bader)
Group Captain Alan Wright (10 vic)

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