Target Bearing 270
Robert Taylor

Overall Print Size: 30” wide x 24 1/4” high
Image Size: 231/4” wide x 15 1/2” high
Release date May 4, 2004
Matching #'s available with 'Knights Move'
At sunrise on 12 November, 1944, led by Wing Commander James Tait,
Lancasters of 617 Squadron RAF prepare to make their bombing run on the German battleship Tirpitz,
lying in the Norwegian fjord at Tromsø

see a detailed list of the signatories here

Joining the artist Robert Taylor, each print of his evocative colour
painting ‘Target Bearing 270°’, is signed by FOUR 617 Squadron
aircrew who attacked the German battleship Tirpitz.
400 prints with FOUR signatures $295
30 Artist Proofs with FOUR signatures $500
Flying Officer C B R FISH (Navigator)
Squadron Leader T IVESON DFC AE (Pilot)
Squadron Leader B KNIGHTS DSO DFC (Pilot)
Squadron Leader E A WASS AE (Air Gunner)

100 Commemorative Proofs
with TWENTY-FIVE signatures $795
The Commemorative Proofs are signed by the following
additional distinguished 617 Squadron aircrew.
The edition is signed by a total of TWENTY FIVE Aircrew
that actually took part in the attacks on the Tirpitz

Warrant Officer B BURNETT (Flight Engineer)
Flight Lieutenant J CASTAGNOLA DSO DFC (Pilot)
Warrant Officer AW CHERRINGTON (Flight Engineer)
Flight Lieutenant D COOPER (Wireless Operator)
Squadron Leader LW CURTIS DFC* (Navigator)
Squadron Leader L S ‘BENNY’ GOODMAN (Pilot)
Flight Lieutenant S V GRIMES (Wireless Operator)
Squadron Leader M HAMILTON DFC (Pilot)
Flight Lieutenant F E HOWKINS (Wireless Operator)
Warrant Officer H JOHNSON DFM (Navigator)
Flying Officer A K JOHNSTONE (Bomb Aimer
Flying Officer B F KENT DFC (Air Gunner)
Flying Officer A J LAMMAS (Wireless Operator)
Wing Commander G MACKIE (Navigator)
Flight Lieutenant AM McKIE (Navigator)
Warrant Officer J D PHILLIPS (Flight Engineer)
Flight Lieutenant H J RIDING (Wireless Operator)
Flying Officer J SOILLEUX (Flight Engineer)
Group Captain J B TAIT DSO*** DFC* ADC (Pilot)
Warrant Officer F L TILLEY (Flight Engineer)
Flight Lieutenant F H AWATTS DFC (Pilot)

Robert Taylor Art Page

Leisure Galleries